⚠All books in this series after "Tons of Fun at the Amusement Park" were never published in North America or translated into English.⚠
HUGE "thank you!" to shiningforcelibrary for their help in translating this page! Check out their awesome site !!!

Find Pokemon! Best Wishes (JP) (2013)
Read volume in highest quality on the Internet Archive!
Basic Info
Find Pokemon! Best Wishes (or "ポケモンをさがせ! ベストウイッシュ ") was published by Shogakukan Inc. in Japan on March 25th, 2010. This is the 12th "Find Pokemon!" book. It has 31 pages and 12 full scenes. These scenes contain Pokemon and key locations from the Unova region. Most scenes ask you to find 3 specific pokemon hidden in the chaos, sometimes asking you to complete another puzzle task having to do with the layout of the scene. There are a series of plots that range through the entire book which you can learn more about in extras.
Orignial Description
「ポケモンをさがせ!」シリーズの第12作目です。ついにシリーズ合計で400万部を突破しました。イッシュ地方を舞台に、ケルディオやメロエッタなどたくさんの人気ポケモンが登場! メグロコの橋、時計塔、シッポウシティ、ヤグルマの森、などおなじみの場所を冒険しながら、ド迫力のイラストでさがしっこあそびが楽しめます。全部探した後も、巻末の「おはなしもんだい」にチャレンジできます。
(google translate: This is the 12th work in the "Find Pokemon!" series. The series has finally sold over 4 million copies. Set in the Unova region, many popular Pokemon such as Keldeo and Meloetta appear! Explore familiar locations such as Meguroko Bridge, Clock Tower, Shippow City, and Yaguruma Forest, while searching for and playing with powerful illustrations. You can enjoy it. Even after searching for everything, you can still try the "Storytelling" at the end of the book.)
read more
Art | Kazunori Aihara |
Binding and Design | Tariji Sasaki |
Edited by | Kotaro Takahashi |
Produced by | Yuko Naoi |
Advertising | Chie Ayabe Sales and Rikako Futeya |
Cooperation | Shogakukan Shuesisha Productions |
Publisher | Atsushi Nomura |
Printing | Kyoto Printing Co., Ltd |
Bookbinding | Wakabayashi Bookbinding Factory Co, Ltd |
These will be the pages that contain searching scenes. Solutions and extras will be available (hidden by a spoiler) below each page.
How I Like to enjoy these scenes is by looking for each of the 649* Pokemon one-by-one :) I find it incredibly meditative! I'll make a note of which Pokemon are missing from each scene so you can do the same!! The Pokemon Checklist (WIP) will also be a good tool to keep track of which Pokemon you have found and have left to find in each scene. Be sure to check out the Extras page to see some of the other stories featured in these scenes!
Find Pokemon! Best Wishes, cover
Compare the covers!!
Where is the prankster Pokemon that changed form?
Answers on page 31
Scene 1

Snivy - Tepig - Oshawott
Translation:[left text boxes]
Professor Oak! Ash! Welcome to the Unova region!!
How to play with this book
- Read the questions carefully, and find the Pokemon!
- The answers are at page 28.
- Try page 30's "If you pay attention!? Story Problems!" too!
- Tackling the problems with your friends is also fun!!
Translation:[top text boxes]
The huge propellers buzz.
The flying boat has arrived at the port!!
So many Pokémon I’ve never seen before!!
Translation:[left text box]
Let’s find these Pokémon!
Snivy - Tepig - Oshawott
Scene 2

Cobalion - Virizion - Terrakion
Translation:[top text box]
Geysers suddenly burst out!
To save the Pokémon stuck in the small island, the Sandile became a “bridge”!
Translation:[bottom text box]
Where are these Pokémon?
Cobalion - Virizion - Terrakion
Scene 3

Pansear - Panpour - Pansage

Simisear - Simipour - Simisage
Translation:[top text box]
Carrying out a suspicious operation at the Dreamyard!
Team Rocket looks different from the usual!!
Translation:[left text boxes]
Nyahahaha! There’s something we’re looking for here!!
Jessie’s problem
Stop! You all, search for these Pokémon!
Pansear - Panpour - Pansage
James’ problem
Don’t we look refined today!? I wonder where these Pokémon are!?
Simisear - Simipour - Simisage
Scene 4

Cinccino - Rufflet - Basculin (Red Stripe Form)
Translation:[top text box]
We’ve met lots of cheerful partners in this journey!
Everyone’s gathering for a delicious lunch!
Translation:[bottom text boxes]
Where are these Pokémon?
Cinccino - Rufflet - Basculin (Red Stripe Form)
Scene 5

Victini - Reuniclus

Haxorus - Vanillite - Hydreigon
WIthout anyone knowing, Darmanitan (Zen Mode) held back the clocktower’s falling bell and protected the town.
How inspiring!!
Where are these Pokemon?
Victini - Reuniclus
Haxorus - Vanillite - Hydreigon
Scene 6
Translation:[left text box]
This is Iris’ hometown, the Dragon Village. The old lady and Iris are having an important conversation.
Translation:[top right diolog box]
Iris, I’ll give you this Axew.
Go on a journey with it.
Raising this Axew into a fine Haxorus…
You will grow up as well!
Translation:[left and left bottom text boxes]
That’s how Iris and Axew began travelling!
Look for the Axew in these poses!!
Back turned - Hand raised - Eyes shut
Scene 7

Zorua - Ducklett - Dewott
Translation:[left diolog box]
The mosaic of this battlefield resembles a Pokémon…! Do you recognize which one?
Translation:[top right text box]
Battling with my rival, Trip!!
Translation:[bottom right text box]
I don’t wanna lose to him!!
Let’s look for these Pokémon!
Zorua - Ducklett - Dewott
Scene 8

Klang - Maractus - Tranquill
Translation:[left diolog boxes]
Geez… So childish!
A naughty taste!!
Translation:[top right text boxes]
The children weren’t allowed to keep Trubbish!
They built a secret base in the kindergarten!!
Translation:[bottom right text box]
Which side are you on?
Where are these Pokémon?
Klang - Maractus - Tranquill
Scene 9

Tynamo - Woobat - Solosis
Translation:[left diolog box]
I want that Minccino…♥
Translation:[right center diolog box]
Pikachu! Thunderbolt!!
Translation:[right text boxes]
Bianca was sent by Professor Juniper to bring the Badge Case!
But it was stolen by a Minccino!
Where are these Pokémon?
Tynamo - Woobat - Solosis
Scene 10

Deino - Blitzle - Drilbur
Translation:[left text box]
The door deep inside the museum leads to Nacrene Gym!
Hurry and get through the maze!!
Translation:[right text boxes]
They begin to shamble as the night falls…
The Dragonite specimen, the empty armor…
The bizarre happenings at the museum were due to Yamask’s psychic power!!
Where are these Pokémon?
Deino - Blitzle - Drillbur
Scene 11

Karrablast - Swadloon - Venipede - Joltik
Translation:[left text box]
You all should try living in the forest too!
Translation:[top right text boxes]
You can cross Pinwheel Forest in an instant going straight ahead!
But not right now… Let’s get through the forest maze to the exit!
You can’t go through the places with the - signs.
Translation:[bottom right text boxes]
Find these Pokémon!
Karrablast - Swadloon - Venipede - Joltik
Scene 12

Scraggy - Stunfisk - Beheeyem
Translation:[top text box]
Everyone is enchanted with the dances and melodies! It’s a jubilant performance. The spotlights are on the shining stars!
[Translation note: the word I translated as “enchanted” is メロメロ (meromero), which sounds like Meloetta’s name (メロエッタ). So it’s kind of a pun.
I tried to keep a bit of the vibe by translating うた as “melodies” as opposed to the more straightforward “song”.- ShiningForceLibrary]
Translation:[bottom right text box]
My dear Pokémon~
Where… where~ are~ you~𝅘𝅥𝅮
Scraggy - Stunfisk - Beheeyem
⚠All books in this series after "Tons of Fun at the Amusement Park" were never published in North America or translated into English.⚠
HUGE "thank you!" to shiningforcelibrary for their help in translating this page! Check out their awesome site !!!